The motion is:
That the Standing Committee on Finance issue a report to the House asking that the House grant the Standing Committee on Finance the power to divide Bill C-60 into 6 pieces of legislation, which could then be properly referred to the appropriate committees, as follows:
Clauses 1 - 135, and all un-named clauses in the list below, remain as Bill C-60
(a) clauses 136 to 154, related to the Investment Canada Act; be allowed to be renamed as Bill C-62
(b) clauses 161 to 166, related to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the temporary foreign worker program; be allowed to be renamed as Bill C-63
(c) clauses 174 to 199, related to the proposed department of foreign affairs, trade and development act; be allowed to be renamed as Bill C-64
(d) clauses 213 to 224, related to the National Capital Act and the Department of Canadian Heritage Act; be allowed to be renamed as Bill C-65
(e) clauses 228 to 232, related to the Financial Administration Act and collective bargaining between crown corporations and their employees; be allowed to be renamed as Bill C-66
And that the subsequent bills be allowed to be referred to the following committees as being passed after second reading.
That section (a) of this report do form Bill C-62; that Bill C-62 be deemed read a first time and be printed; and that the order for second reading of the said bill provide for the referral to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology;
that clauses mentioned in section (b) of this report do form Bill C-63; that Bill C-63 be deemed read a first time and be printed; and that the order for second reading of the said bill provide for the referral to the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities;
that the clauses mentioned in section (c) of this report do form Bill C-64; that Bill C-64 be deemed read a first time and be printed; that the order for second reading of the said bill provide for the referral to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development;
that the clauses mentioned in section (d) of this report do comprise Bill C-65, that Bill C-65 be deemed read a first time and be printed, and that the order for second reading of the said bill provide for the referral to the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage;
that the clauses mentioned in section (e) of the report do comprise Bill C-66, that Bill C-66 be deemed read a first time and be printed, and that the order for the second reading of the said bill provide for the referral to the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates;
that Bill C-60 retain the status on the order paper that it had prior to the adoption of this order and that Bill C-60 be reprinted as amended; and that the law clerk and the parliamentary counsel be authorized to make any technical changes or corrections as may be necessary to give effect to this motion.
I so move.