Currently, for the level-two missions that can be prescribed under the income tax regulations for income tax relief, the prescription process requires the passing of regulations.
There is an interdepartmental committee that assesses the risk of all international missions. There's a task force commander, and he or she assesses the risk on the ground, at the site where the mission will be undertaken. They come back to the committee and then the committee assesses the risk of the mission. Based on that risk assessment, the mission is given a certain risk level.
Then the Minister of National Defence, or the Minister of Public Safety, in the case of police officers, brings forward, essentially, a decision for the cabinet to prescribe these missions. Once that decision is made that those missions can be prescribed, the Minister of Finance goes through the process of prescribing the missions in the income tax regulations, which involves another submission and the regulatory process.
That process has been criticized for taking a considerable amount of time. Because the missions are small and oftentimes involve very few soldiers or police officers, it takes a long time, and it takes a while for the Canadian Forces members to get their relief.
The new process being proposed is that the Minister of National Defence, or, in the case of police officers, the Minister of Public Safety, would write to the Minister of Finance. There would essentially be an exchange of correspondence between the ministers such that there would be satisfaction that the process had been followed properly for assessing the risk, that the process hadn't changed, and that the intention of the provision was still applied. Then the Minister of Finance would designate the missions under the designation process and that information would be posted on the website, which would be a much more expedited process allowing soldiers or police officers, when they're on a mission, to know with greater certainty that they would indeed be eligible for the tax exemption.