From the start I would say that in all of this debate about the GPT, we've confused a number of different issues. The original rationale for this program was that it would be a foreign aid program. We should keep that in mind when it comes time to look at this decision.
I think we're confusing this. Some people have said that it's a measure to close the price gap between Canada and the U.S. or that it's a measure to make products available to customers at a lower price, with lower tariffs. Let's keep that in mind.
In terms of the elimination of tariffs, in my ideal world there wouldn't be any tariffs. In reality, there are tariffs and most of these countries impose tariffs on Canadian products that are much higher than that in most cases. So I think you need to keep in mind that if we start eliminating all of our tariffs, just in having a narrow view of the price gap with the U.S. or a consumer view, we're limiting the ability of foreign officials to negotiate free trade agreements based on a level playing field.
What's the motivation of a country like Korea to come and sit down with us to negotiate a free trade agreement if they already have a broad access with no tariffs to our consumer market? It's in that view that we're saying that in order to leverage our negotiating positions with these countries, we need to keep a level playing field.