To go back to what he just said, I think you at least want to have a level playing field, with rules that allow depreciation similar to that in the U.S. I think as long as the U.S. has its bonus depreciations, which he referred to and which were renewed last December for another year I think, you want to get this ACCA the way it is.
When we go back to the traditional method of amortization, I think we need to look at that more as being within a productivity framework than as being an economic stimulus. I mean that you might even be looking at the classes of assets that have the most potential for increased productivity. I'm thinking here of ICT equipment used in production facilities and stuff like that, not only because you want a level playing field with the U.S., but also keeping in mind that a piece of ICT equipment used in a plant might not have a life cycle of 12 years. It might actually have a life cycle of four or five years, so you want to reflect that as well.