Sure. It's stimulative because it creates incremental investment, i.e., investment that would not normally occur in Canada. As the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, we are very committed—in fact our strategic plan is to seize the opportunity of this shale gas environment, the competitive environment we're in today, to get these large investments for Canada.
It's stimulative also because large investments are 20- to 40-year investments. You don't build a chemical plant—and Mr. Jean would know this from the ones that are out in Alberta—for a two-year, five-year, or ten-year period. You build it for a minimum of 25 years, or 40 years. That's the kind of investment that builds communities, that creates corporate tax revenues, that you can link up to community colleges to start to build skills, and develop engineers, and raise technical people. It becomes part of the fabric of the economy.
It also ends up producing products that are then used by other manufacturers. Most of our products go into cars, into pulp mills, into mining, etc. They become key parts of the economy.
I don't know how to compare that to an infrastructure project—infrastructure does produce long-term benefits sometimes—but these are really significant ways of building your economy, diversifying it, and moving beyond just a resource-based, get-it-out-of-the-ground, sell-it-to-Japan kind of economy to one that adds value and adds manufacturing strength to the economy.