As you said, I expect them to be happy, if not ecstatic. This is something the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and various individual mayors and councillors across the country, including some at regional government levels, were very keen on having. There had been no indexation to the gas tax fund transfer to the municipalities, and now it will be there.
As you said, we did make the gas tax fund permanent. Indexation is annual at 2%. Every time the fund reaches the next $100 million threshold, it will be adjusted in that way. It will help them plan, but more importantly, on the infrastructure side, this is important for municipalities because it gives them certainty in planning.
We now have a 10-year program in place for when the current program ends, and they can plan their infrastructure over that period of time. They can enter into public-private partnerships using P3 Canada and their own provincial infrastructure agencies. These are tremendous opportunities for bridges, roads, and all sorts of public infrastructure that will help us grow the Canadian economy and create jobs.