Yes, about 400 in Ontario alone. They are amazing people who commit to two years to help an entrepreneur get settled.
On the newcomer story, one favourite example is a woman I met in Saskatoon a few months ago. She had come from Ghana to the U.K. She'd worked in the fashion business for eight years and been very successful. Her husband was hired by the Government of Saskatchewan to run their eHealth. They moved to Saskatoon, and she said, “I want to start a fashion business using Ghanaian fabrics”, and she went to the bank. They said, “That's great. Come back in two years when you've been successful.” She said, “Well, aren't you welcoming newcomers?” They said “Sorry.”
We were the only game in town, but we lent her the $15,000 and we got her one of our former entrepreneurs who has been successful in the fashion business in Saskatoon, and it was a match made in heaven. They mentor each other.
I also really like the stories of people who are doing global businesses in Canada. One of my favourite ones is another person from Saskatchewan, who was an amazing hockey player, from Foam Lake, Saskatchewan. At 15 he was recruited by an Ivy League school, went off to Yale, got his economics degree, went up to the NHL, went to Wall Street, and was working as an analyst. He said, “All I want to do is go back and be able to go to my cabin at Foam Lake and see my family.” He came back. He's 26 years old. He said, “We have no more Wheat Board, so I'm going to figure out an online grain trading platform.” He did it. He launched it in the fall. He started a little morning blurb about something happening in the world that would help you figure out how you could sell your grain. He had 20 people subscribe originally, and he said they were all his family. Within three months he had 700 people reading this little blurb, which he does in Hockey Talk, and the grain trading platform is recognized by the major farm organizations across North America. He's running a global business—out of his SUV, I must say, but based in Saskatchewan.
Those are some of the people we're helping, in addition to people like Harry Chemko, who's running a big global business. They're amazing stories.