With respect to your question about how the funds will be used for this project, there are two main objectives. One is to advance the project to take the library for people with print disabilities out of the charitable sector, which relies on donations for services, and put it where it belongs, in the public library sector. So part of the funding will be to work with public library leadership to effect that transition over the next year.
The other part, and major part of the funding, will be to run the operation of the CNIB Library and the hub, which is internally incubating within the CNIB at this time. It will produce alternative format material, as Ms. Bergeron explained. We have a collection of about 80,000 alternative format books: digital, Braille, etc. This will add a further 105,000 books to our collection, so it will allow us to produce that collection. It will also allow us to distribute the books to people who are blind and partially sighted throughout the country.