Thank you, Chair.
It never ceases to amaze me. The NDP comes forward with these spurious motions consistently. They know how tight our timetable is, yet they consistently bring forward these motions.
This one really takes the cake because they're asking us to look at part 3, division 17 of Bill C-60 on the independence of the Bank of Canada when it comes to setting monetary policy and doing economic research. That's exactly what we are studying right now. We're doing it right now.
What they're asking us to do is, yes, study it now, but then study it again. Not only are they asking us to study it for a second time, but the first time around, they didn't even invite any witnesses to speak to their side.
We're going to reject this motion because it's redundant. I would suggest that in bringing motions forward in the future, the NDP take a closer look at what they're proposing because in this instance, we're clearly studying this right now. For the sake of not wasting any more of the committee's time, let's reject this motion and move on, and hope that the NDP does not put forward any kind of fatuous motion in the future. It's ridiculous.