We'll go to the vote on this motion.
(Motion negatived)
Colleagues, you do have two budget requests before you. First of all for this study, for Bill C-60, the amount requested is $26,500. That is approximately $10,000 less than what was initially sent to committee members. It's less than what we had thought, initially.
Are there any questions or concerns? Can I get someone to move this? So moved by Mr. Jean. All in favour?
(Motion agreed to)
Secondly, with respect to our study of Bill C-462, you did raise some concerns about the budget previously. It has been adjusted downward substantially.
Any questions or concerns about this budget? Can I get a mover for this? Mr. Jean again. All in favour?
(Motion agreed to)
Thank you, colleagues.
We will move to our second panel. I want to thank our witnesses for being very patient while we were dealing with the three motions and two budget items.
We have six people to present. First of all, as an individual, we have Mr. George Smith, a fellow and adjunct professor from Queen's University. We have, representing the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, Ms. Judy Dezell. From the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, we have the national director, Ms. Diane Bergeron. From the Canadian Union of Public Employees, we have Mr. Denis Bolduc, general secretary. From the Canadian Urban Transit Association, we have Mr. Patrick Leclerc, and by teleconference, we have Monsieur Florian Sauvageau.
Monsieur Sauvageau, can you hear me?