This is fairly recent research that has been done, and I think it does point out what should be of concern to all of us.
This is of concern, as I pointed out before, not only for tax evasion but also for money laundering, organized crime, financing terrorism, and so on. Even if the Canadian government has tightened up, in the recent budget, the reporting requirements of financial institutions—which is a step forward, and I support that—this new research points out that there are other glaring areas that need to be addressed if we're going to get a handle on this situation.
It's difficult, though, for one country to just set up its own system. What is preferable is a multilateral agreement about a new international global standard on beneficial ownership to tighten up on the rules of corporate registration and prevent shell companies, or trusts where it's not clear who the ultimate owner is.
I think what is being proposed at the G-8, which obviously is going to need to be followed up, is the route forward on addressing this problem.