It's unique in protecting the U.S. tax base from foreigners using Cyprus to invest in the United States. As I indicated later, that may not be as big a problem in Canada as it is for us, because we will generally reduce our tax down to zero, certainly on interest on royalties down to zero, and increasingly we're doing that on dividends. Canada maintains a substantial tax on the foreigners investing in Canada, so your concern is less important than ours.
I just mentioned it because, remember, my statement was prepared before I knew what you were going to focus on here. I would have thought that for us, in doing a treaty with Hong Kong, we would be very concerned about people investing in the United States, not about U.S. multinationals using Hong Kong abroad.
You might have more of a concern about the foreign investment, as was mentioned earlier—in other words, people putting money in Barbados and Hong Kong to invest outside Canada—but that's not because of the treaty. That's because your domestic statutory law allows people to repatriate tax from treaty countries free of further Canadian tax. We do not do that, so we have very little concern on the outbound side of treaties. We have much more concern on the inbound side of treaties; I think our situation may be different.
The answer to your question, however, is that the Cyprus treaty was deemed by the multinational community to be too general and too vague to be used in subsequent amendments. Since then, we've had all different manner of limitations on benefits provisions. Cyprus is unique, and it has not been changed.