I could certainly agree to that and expand on some of my earlier comments, again with the greatest of respect, about needing hospitals and needing physicians in those hospitals, and so on, but the biggest bang for our buck is going to be in preventing people from getting there in the first place. That does speak to some very specific health initiatives: for instance, the low-sodium strategies, physical activity initiatives, and ParticipACTION. These are all great things.
In fact, we've known in Canada...and every province and territory signed on with the federal government back in 1994, I think, to a declaration on determinants of health. With regard to poverty, Mr. Moist mentioned the recent Conference Board of Canada report that speaks to the increasing inequities in this country. Poverty is a very broad-reaching piece of what I'm talking about. Determinants of health include things like education, employment, and drinking water, and then health care is thrown in with that mix. Even though we're a Canadian health care association, my members, these regional health authorities and all the others, are very supportive of putting our funds where our mouth is, if you will.