Well, certainly the nineties were the dark decade--or to use the phrase that Rick Hillier uses for the military, “the decade of darkness”--in terms of cuts to the health sector. The federal contributions decreased dramatically and started increasing into this century, basically. I think the levels that we're at now are quite reasonable. I don't hear a lot of people asking for more money, frankly. You'll hear that, but we know we can do it.
However, I also would say that jumping on the bandwagon of “just throw in the 6% escalator” is not all that we need right now. Clearly, the predictability and the sustainability of the funding for the health system are absolutely critical. We have to be able to do that. What we're looking for, what my members are looking for, is some leadership, some fiscal federalism, if you will, on top of that, in using that fiscal spending power to target and to make sure the nation benefits from directed actions.