That fund in the past has been used to finance our incursions into China. Of course, China is very nation-to-nation centred. Having government help with that has resulted in a huge increase in our exports to China. I haven't got the last number, but at last count there were 11 towns whose financial existence has been saved by exports to China. So that's been hugely successful.
The other help we've got from that is the money for research and innovation. This three-dimensional pulp comes out of that funding as well. It's also been used to tell the story of what the industry's done environmentally. The reason why that's important is the industry improves environmentally but then doesn't get any credit. There's no incentive. By the government telling the story, it creates a huge incentive and some accountability on the industry.
Those have been very successful programs. The rate of change in the industry has been breathtaking, and it is government's smart spending that can take part of the credit. To stop those programs in their track today would be just plain stupid--that's the only word I can say. Why would we take something that's taking an industry that used to be a sunset industry and turning it into a world-leading, transformative industry and put the brakes on all that change mid-course?