I'll see what I can do to comment on a few of the things you've mentioned.
For sure it's true that Canada is an open economy. One of the reasons the reduction of corporate tax rates has resulted in some increase in corporate tax revenue is simply by virtue of the fact that we made it more attractive for corporations to carry on business in Canada. A multinational, in choosing where to locate and where to operate, is more attracted to Canada than it has been historically. And that's generally helpful to Canada's growth.
We do believe--and it's one of the points we tried to articulate in our submission--it's important not to look only at the corporate side of the tax system. It is absolutely true that making Canada more attractive for businesses improves employment. But ultimately, what has the highest effect on productivity is having more people come to Canada. So in that circumstance we need to devote the same degree of attention to the personal tax regime that we've devoted to the business tax case.
I would point out that when we reduced corporate tax rates we didn't do it suddenly. We didn't do it overnight. It was done over more than a decade. Simply selecting a point on the horizon and saying that is our target, that we want to move to combine federal and provincial rates of 25%.... In fact that was what was said, the last point on the horizon. Doing something similar on the personal tax side we believe could be very attractive to attract the world's most globally mobile employees, the most globally mobile entrepreneurs, and those who can have the single greatest effect on our productivity in Canada.