I don't think that increase in EI rates is going to have an overall impact on the rate of employment. I think what we need above all is stability and certainty in the tax system, and in the economy, period. Right now there's a tremendous amount of uncertainty as a result of what's happening in Europe, and of course the impact on China and North America.
In fact, if you look at concern about the economy, I think the perception and uncertainty is running ahead of actual business. Orders are pretty good, and a lot of sectors are expanding right now. That is what's going to generate employment growth here.
Again, anything today that is adding to the uncertainty around investment I think is certainly not a good thing, at a time, in my mind, when we need to be laser focused on what it takes for companies to make these investments and to grow. That's what is going to be important. No company is going to increase employment if they don't have customers, financing, and if they are not making the right investments in new products or skills development or new technologies. I think that's the first consideration here.