Thank you.
I have one minute?
In that one minute, sir, I want to share with the committee, just in case they missed it. The New Brunswick Association of Fire Chiefs also endorsed this, and I'm going to quote them. They said:
The tax credit is also an important tool when it comes to recruitment and retention. We feel that retaining volunteers that are already in place is even more important...because you've already invested money into those volunteers. So you want to keep them on and keep them as long as you can. Retention with some of the smaller volunteer fire departments is a big deal.
I end the quote there, sir, and I thank you once again on behalf of the volunteer firefighters and on behalf of other firefighters who support them. We police officers also work with them very closely. I want to thank you for paying such close attention to their needs, and regardless of what others think, I think this is a fantastic measure.