Thank you for that.
In fact, the proposal to add a strong enforcement arm to the national securities regulator is extremely important to our members, many of whom have investments. There is a strong belief that many of the investments they were put into were inappropriate. In other cases, their families have invested their money for them. All of these kinds of issues would be part and parcel of the focus of such an enforcement agency.
It is important, because despite the fact that all of the other regulators purport to have a complaints agency or some kind of consumer protection, in fact, they don't. They might be mediators. They can't focus on restitution. It's hard for the average retail investor to access that.
This specialist body being proposed excites us, because there will be, first of all, specialists who will help with the prosecutions. They will have the authority to provide restitution and even to charge criminally. That provides a major sanction against the financial fraud that is often perpetrated against seniors.