Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My name is Paul Bosc, and I am the Chair of the Canadian Vintners Association. I am also the President and boss of the Chateau des Charmes Estate Winery, located in the heart of the Niagara Peninsula.
Thank you very much for the invitation. I'm pleased to convey our priorities for the 2012 federal budget.
Our national trade association, the CVA, represents wineries from across Canada, which make up more than 90% of Canada's annual wine production. We are a young, growing industry investing in jobs and economic growth across Canada.
Today I ask the honourable members of the committee to consider three recommendations that will ensure that Canada's wine industry succeeds in a fiercely competitive global marketplace.
The first recommendation is direct-to-consumer wine delivery, also known as DTC. It remains a surprise, even a shock, to most Canadian wine consumers that it is illegal to deliver or ship wine across provincial borders due to federal legislation known as the Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act, a law that was enacted in 1928. This federal law bans all shipments of wine across provincial borders.
Some provincial liquor boards recognize that the current legal framework is outdated, and point to the IILA as the reason they cannot adequately respond to domestic demand for Canadian wine made outside their province of control. Changing the IILA to allow Canadians to order directly from an out-of-province winery will lead to investment, jobs, and growth in Canada's wine industry.
It was not the intent, more than 80 years ago, for the IILA to discourage interprovincial trade or economic growth. Yet in 2011 Canadian winery growth is restricted. An out-of-province Canadian tourist who visits my winery cannot take our wines home with them, or order our wines directly if they are not available in their provincial liquor retail store.
Liquor boards were created as a result of the IILA, but brick and mortar retail stores cannot physically carry all Canadian wines, and currently VQA, or 100% Canadian wines, represent only 6% of total wine sales across Canada.
The CVA recommends amending the IILA by establishing the creation of a personal wine exemption that allows Canadians to order directly from an out-of-province winery. A simple amendment would impose no financial costs on the federal government, and would apply to wines that are not available at liquor board retail stores. Consumer interest and exposure to Canadian wines would stimulate new sales and tourism opportunities, and create increased opportunities for jobs, economic growth, and additional federal and provincial tax revenues.
Second is a wine excise program. Budget 2006 exempted all Canadian wineries from paying excise tax on wine produced and packaged in Canada from 100% Canadian-grown agricultural products. The excise tax benefit for 100% Canadian wine sales is estimated at $15 million per year, creating jobs and economic growth through reinvestment into new equipment, technology, vineyards, cellars, etc.
However, the same budget increased the excise tax by 21.2% on all other wines sold in Canada, including domestically produced blended-wine products. As a result, Canadian blended-wine producers, who represent 82% of domestically produced wines sold in Canada, have paid an extra 10.8¢ per litre excise tax, representing approximately $57 million in additional excise tax payments to the federal government over the past five years. Since excise taxes are a per-unit volume tax, and 95% of Canadian blended wines retail for less than $10 per bottle, the impact has created a competitive disadvantage for value-priced Canadian blended-wine products.
To ensure the competitiveness of all wines produced in Canada, and to support both domestic blended-wine producers and Canadian grape growers, the CVA recommends the creation of a federally funded program equivalent to the excise tax paid on the Canadian wine content included in blended wines. It is estimated that the federal cost of such a program would be approximately $7 million per year, and would encourage more Canadian content in blended wines, continued growth of Canadian wine sales, reinvestment in new equipment, technology, vineyards, wine tourism, etc., and the creation of jobs and economic growth.
Finally, and very briefly, is the small-business tax deduction. Budget 2009 recognized the importance of the small-business tax deduction by increasing the income threshold from $400,000 to $500,000. Given the large capital investments of today's wineries—land, winery, equipment, etc.—the small-business tax deduction qualifying asset test often eliminates this intended benefit through a straight-line reduction of those businesses with taxable capital assets between $10 million and $15 million.
As winery and small-business costs continue to escalate, it is important to recognize that the qualifying asset test has not been adjusted to compensate for inflation since its introduction in 1994.