Thank you very much for that.
I did want to follow up. I know it's often dangerous territory for Conservatives to venture into the CBC discussion, but I'm going to do that.
Mr. Barr, in your presentation you say that the current level of funding to CBC is not sufficient to allow the public broadcaster to fully meet its broad mandate.
I confess I'm a fan of a lot of what the CBC does. I podcast a lot of their programs, the At Issue panel, The House. Rex Murphy is a treasure in our household. So I love a lot of what they do. But you also say it is an island of Canadian culture in a televised sea of American programming, which is the mainstay of our private broadcasters.
If you turn on CBC at certain hours, you get The Simpsons. They do a lot of good work, but they do an awful lot of things like showing American programming that competes directly with other broadcasters, which, in my view, does not fulfill that mandate of being uniquely Canadian.
I'd like to put that to you and get an answer from you, because it seems to me, whether it's Hockey Night in Canada or whether it's the Olympics, they do a lot of things with taxpayer money that compete directly, when instead those resources that are provided by the taxpayer should be directed towards uniquely Canadian programming, in my view.