Another point on the full employment targeting comes back to my point about the modesty of monetary policy. There has been a growing recognition over the years that central banks have a very difficult time influencing real variables in a systematic way over the long run. The central bank's balance sheet, which is its only instrument, is fundamentally a nominal variable. It is about dollars. It is not actually about real things like productivity or employment. So it is difficult for the central bank to be able to systematically and in a sustained way influence real variables. It's much better for it to focus on the control of inflation.
I'd also make a point about the flexibility of central bank policy. Jim alluded to this, and I think he's quite right. There is flexibility in the current system, but it is what the bank and economists call constrained discretion. If that term intrigues you at all, we can come back to discuss that in the questions.
Thank you very much.