With respect to the question on Australia, Mr. Sumner raised this, and it's an interesting one, given that Australia is facing some of the same opportunities and challenges, I guess you could say, of commodity-based economies, with a lot of disparity between commodity-rich regions and other regions. I would actually want to relate that back specifically to Canada's situation.
Again, it's this whole issue. Given the differences between how well our commodity regions are doing in those sectors--the oil and gas sector in particular--and how badly other value-added and traditional sectors in the Canadian economy are doing, again, does that not strengthen the arguments for the consideration of nominal GDP targeting? Given that high commodity prices push up inflation, in some ways artificially in terms of the impact on the real economy, and that they also crowd out, because of the higher dollar, a lot of traditional manufacturing jobs, does that not augment the arguments for nominal GDP targeting in a balkanized Canadian economy?
Maybe Mr. Sumner could begin.