I'll do my best.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, for inviting me here. I'm quite privileged and honoured to be among my fellow economists, especially here.
I read through the background information, the report that was circulated on the net, regarding the renewal of inflation targeting by the Bank of Canada. From the beginning, from that first page, they refer to the benefits of the inflation targeting regime we've had since 1991. They assert, basically, that it has delivered on a number of things pertaining to what is fundamental here, which is that we now have a low, stable, and predictable inflation rate, which we didn't have earlier.
Now, what were these benefits? One, they argue, is that we have had a lower and predictable inflation environment here, which has made it possible for consumers to manage their finances with greater certainty about the future power of their savings and income. Second, interest rates have also been lower, in both nominal and real terms, across a wide range of maturities, as a result of this inflation targeting. Third, we have had lower and stable inflation, which has helped to encourage more stable economic growth and lower and less variable unemployment.
If you look at these, I would argue that these sorts of benefits are not as tangible as they suggest they are. Let's start with the first one. For one thing, it is clear to me that the inflation rate, yes, has been more stable. But we've also witnessed during this whole era a decline in the savings rate, which practically went to zero in Canada, and associated with that, growing household indebtedness.
In the balance-sheet kind of recession we're facing right now, what households can in fact look towards is merely stability in the real burden of their debt, not stability in their savings. They don't have as much as they had when we first began with this regime. So one question is simply whether this regime has actually delivered on that.
Even more importantly, if we look at what actually went on over the last few years, especially with pension funds and all of that, they've gone through some very serious haircuts. Surely when we talk about stability of savings, we're trying to figure out what is exactly in the mind of the Bank of Canada.
Second, if we look at these lower real interest rates, the really sharp decline actually occurred during two periods. We didn't really go through a recession in Canada, but we did in the United States, in the 2000-2001 period, when we witnessed a fairly significant drop in interest rates. Obviously, during the last financial crisis here, in 2008-2009, we again saw a really deep drop in interest rates, both nominal and real. Hence, in fact one could argue that real interest rates fell much less, initially, let's say, because of the inflation targeting. While interest rates did fall eventually, we've really patterned ourselves along the lines of what has been going on continentally and even in the world economy at large, rather than just as a result of somehow, because we've had inflation targeting, these interest rates fell dramatically as a result of it over the last 20 years.
Third, with regard to the issue of actually encouraging economic growth, once again, I think it depends on which period, precisely, one is talking about. While we did have more growth, let's say, prior to the financial crisis, I would argue that with inflation targeting, the Bank of Canada did not as willingly try to combat unemployment as it would have if unemployment were actually, let's say, a variable in their reaction function.
Moreover, contrary to why inflation targeting was in fact actually sold to Canadians originally, I'm old enough to remember the 1980s and early 1990s, when they were discussing why we should have inflation targeting. If you go back to John Crow, for instance, at that time there was the idea of having some sort of zero inflation target. The reason given was essentially that it would enhance productivity growth, that it would enhance efficiency in the economy and would increase productivity growth. Well, if you look at the actual pattern of productivity growth in this country over the last 20 years, it has been dismal. It has been very bad.
Once again, if you look at what they actually say at the Bank of Canada, they don't talk about productivity growth, even though that used to be their sort of cheval de bataille, as we say in French, at a time when they were actually putting forth inflation targeting.
In that regard, I would argue that the Bank of Canada has always argued that it cannot really impact on real variables, such as unemployment and the growth rate over time, at least not in the long term. Hence, it is ironic, in a sense, that it is now claiming that its policy has generated more employment and growth of output, when it has continually argued that its policy could not affect these real variables in the first place.
We're kind of seeing how it's been able to put forward and change its discourse over the last while. I would argue, basically, that what we should be doing is going back to a broader approach to dealing with how we should set interest rates in this country. We should not tie ourselves to one single goal. Rather, we should consider some other variable in the economy, such as unemployment or real growth in the economy. We should consider at least those as important so that we do not make the mistake of doing things that may actually be counterproductive, especially when we look at the uncertainty in the world environment today and when we're probably going to be facing higher rather than lower unemployment in the short term.
Thank you.