Mr. Massimo Pacetti --big players coming in, so your marketing is going to increase. The costs for the three private corporations are going to increase as well, because they're going to have to market. If they're not going to market.... The lenders are going to have to market towards the borrower, and the borrower is going to have to insist that they want their insurance to be backed by private insurance or by CMHC. The costs are going to go up, so in the end the consumer is going to be paying for this.
Nobody has made the point that the consumer is going to benefit from this. There are going to be additional costs. If it's not going to be an open market, the consumer is not going to benefit.
I just want to ask you one quick question, Ms. Bell. At Genome, how is the money you will be receiving going to be separated? Is it going to be separated by region? Is it going to be based on matching, on if one Genome branch is going to be able to attract more money...? Or is it going to be based on sector, be it health sciences, or pure and applied science, or whatever?