Mr. Chair, first of all I'd like to take a moment to reaffirm the CRA's confidence in the integrity and professionalism of its employees. I believe that is key. Our success is in large part as a result of their exemplary conduct in carrying out our complex audit activities every day for Canadian taxpayers, in a manner that demonstrates integrity and professionalism. However, the agency recognizes the inherent risks associated with carrying out massive volumes of financial transactions. Accordingly we remain vigilant to uncover problems and continuously adapt to protect the tax and benefit systems. Controls are constantly being reinforced and strengthened to ensure the long-term integrity of our processes.
In regard to the allegations referred to, the appropriate measures have been taken, and we continue to cooperate with the relevant law enforcement agencies. We must not lose sight of the fact that the actions of a few in no way reflect the continued dedication and professionalism with which CRA's employees carry out their work. We are currently reviewing our audit systems and will be taking a number of important measures to improve the framework that guides the integrity of our workforce.
Mr. Chair, the CRA takes the integrity and fairness of the Canadian tax system very seriously and never loses sight of the fact that the confidence and trust that individuals and businesses have in the CRA forms the cornerstone of Canada's system of voluntary compliance and self-assessment.