Mr. Chair, as I said earlier, we in the agency are quite proud of the integrity of our employees. We have more than 40,000 employees in the agency in various functions, and we've referred to approximately 9,000 as being in the audit function.
We spend a lot of time and energy conveying to our employees the importance of our values and the ethics we have established in the agency. We have a very strong code of conduct that we reinforce. We also ask individuals to sign a letter, every time they're hired, that first of all they understand what the CRA's code of conduct is and that they commit to adhering to it.
We have ongoing training, which we undertake across the agency, including among our auditors, to reinforce those messages.
In a population of 40,000, including 9,000 auditors, there will always be exceptions, given the nature of our business. So we are committed to continuing to reinforce those key messuages within the agency and also to ensuring that these employees fully understand the role they play vis-à-vis the integrity of an organization such as the CRA.