In terms of the reporting requirements, Mr. Chairperson, we have made quite a few significant changes to the return that needs to be completed every year. It has been downsized to a four-page form, specifically keeping in mind small and rural charities, small charities that might not have revenues over $100,000 and that might be well under that. There's a core form that provides fields as simple as possible to be completed, with some additional schedules if you carried out certain activities that require further disclosure or if you are a larger organization and more detailed financial information is required. The form now is a core form of four pages. This is a change we introduced in 2009.
With respect to the disbursement quota, that was significantly reformed as part of budget 2010, I believe. The proportion of the disbursement that was required is 80% of the tax-receipted revenues from the previous year, more or less. That has been dropped. There's only one final component that remains with respect to the disbursement quota, which is 3.5% of the assets you've got in your investment, meaning the assets you're not using as part of your charitable programs. This has been quite an important change for the sector.