You're absolutely right. The CSGVP provides a more complete picture of total charitable donations because it does include people who would give $20 to the United Way at a barbecue or a fundraiser. That may not lead to a tax receipt and it may not be reported in the tax system. What we usually see with the CSGVP are higher amounts of charitable donations than we would see in regard to the tax filers.
I don't have the results for 2010 yet. The results have changed between the different years--2004 and 2007--in terms of how much difference there is between what is reported on the tax file and what is reported on the survey. I can give you some numbers, but we do validations. We do comparisons between what we get on the tax file and what we get on the surveys. We try to see what's happening.
For example, you're talking about provincial and territorial differences. We have observed similar patterns across a number of the sources we have within Statistics Canada. As I said, we're hoping to have results in the spring of 2012. We're hoping for March; I want to be careful about the date, but we're hoping to have these results by March.