Sure. With respect to the extension to 10 years, the only information we have is anecdotal. We took a hard look at the tax expenditure numbers; if they generally are unreliable for all gifts, there's not that much more data with respect to ecological gifts. So it's entirely anecdotal. We know that our members are structuring this way because the tax credit falls off the table at the end of six years, so really, as a percentage, it's difficult to say.
I think what we're saying is that we're entirely in favour of the existing ecological gifts program. It has been a good program. It has a good track record. It's structured very deliberately to avoid any abuse. You don't even get your credit until you have a certified value. We really believe in the program because it has demonstrated results in terms of the overall acreage of land that's protected.
The concern with extending the capital gains exemption to all gifts of real property is that you eliminate the built-in incentive for sensitive land to go to an organization that protects it. When it goes to an organization that isn't a lands trust, that organization has almost a charitable fiduciary duty to sell it to the highest bidder, which is a developer. So in many instances, that land is not going to be protected.