This lends to your wanting to minimize the erosion of the word “gift”, which is my concern as well. As we're doing this study, there are all these suggestions about how we might get the wealthy to further change behaviour, to somehow inject more, but then “gift” is lost. We're trying to figure out ways so that we can incentivize those who may not give at all to start doing so and developing a culture, as Monsieur Giguère said. So I appreciate that.
I would like your opinion, though, Mr. Burrows, on another matter, which is the ecologically sensitive land issue. I want you to tell me what the consequences might be if we were to adopt the real estate measures that have been proposed. What would the consequence be? We did hear from an alliance member who was very afraid that it would have a severe consequence environmentally on those gifts in ecologically sensitive land. Please, would you respond?