If you observe over the last 40 years a lot of the conversation about the problems we're facing or the challenges we're dealing with, we've defaulted to fewer and fewer institutions to solve the problems of those challenges. If you're on the right, you kind of default to the market to say it will solve the problem. If you are on the left, it's the government that solves the problem.
A lot of the conversation, even in a young environment, becomes, “Okay, here's the problem. What institution...?” It will be the government that actually solves the problem. Even in popular news talk, the impulse is to ask what government can do. What's missing is that whole conversation about what those institutions in between government and the market can do.
Just look at the future of service clubs in this country. There's a really critical story there about us needing to change the conversation about what institution is best to solve the very problems we want to talk about at school.