Well, an early happy birthday to you!
It's a good question and a reasonable question, as I always expect from Mr. Marston. He's a very thoughtful gentleman, and I know he has put a lot of his time into speaking with constituents and Canadians about this. And it is important. I think the whole aspect of looking at the overall retirement income adequacy of Canadians has become very topical, certainly with the downturn in the markets. I think we all understand that.
There actually has become a very national dialogue about retirement income adequacy, and I think the media has played a very valuable role in that as well, because people are reading the headlines and asking if they have enough for their retirement.
The pooled registered pension plan is not meant to take away from any other pension option out there; it's meant to contribute to it. I need to go back to the fact that RRSPs have been there for years. They have worked well, but people aren't using them adequately. So we're going to provide this broad-based option through the employers. When an employer chooses to offer this pension option to its employees, the employees will be automatically enrolled, and they'll have, then, the option to opt out, if they so choose. They'll have a 60-day period where they can opt out.
It has been proven in other countries that this brings more people in. It makes the pool larger. The returns will be better. It is low cost because there is more competition in the system to keep the price low. We think that will provide, as I say, one more option to help people save.