Thank you for the question. I apologize, but I am going to answer you in English.
I would say our banks have been.... If you look at the track record over the last 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, I think it's very clear that our banks—while they have been interested in expanding and have done so—have done it in a very cautious way. You read comment after comment from CEOs to say they're not going to rush into this; they're not going to buy it just because it's out there and it's a cheap deal. They do their due diligence. Remember, they're very mindful of the oversight of OSFI, and they're very mindful that we have to maintain a very strong risk management culture.
So there may be opportunities as a result of the fragility you talk about, Mr. Giguère, but I would say—and I think the track record proves me out—the banks will approach acquisitions.... They do not want to buy a bunch of problems. They do not want to buy a bunch of new risk simply for the sake of getting bigger. We saw that in the United States, but we don't really see it here.
The caution is well placed, but I think the track record speaks for itself.