I appreciate that.
I wanted to finish up with our two other guests.
I've heard some concerns in terms of what you feel is perhaps not adequate in your view in the current system. I would like to perhaps put you on the spot. I think Mr. Jean did as well, in the sense that a lot of the measures have been enacted—the minimum 21-day grace period, the code of conduct that resulted from the committee hearings we held at Finance and Industry, banning negative option billing for financial products, unsolicited credit card cheques. The fact that I can actually now read information from my credit card company, that was a change brought in by this government, as were the measures announced by the parliamentary secretary and the Minister of State for Finance on March 4 with respect to the cheques that people get in the mail from credit cards. A number of substantive changes have been made, in my view, to protect consumers, and I appreciate them as a consumer, frankly.
I think Options consommateurs has spoken in favour of a lot of these measures, so I just wanted to get Mr. Sommers and Monsieur Vinet on the record. Do you support these measures that have been put in place?
Monsieur Vinet.