Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I think I will share my time with Mr. Mai, given that the time is brief and we only have one round.
Thank you very much, Mr. Albas, for coming forward today. I just wanted to quickly ask you four questions, and hopefully you can answer some of them or provide us with information later on.
You mentioned provinces and their personal importation policies. Can you give us more specifically which province hasn't developed one yet, but might if this bill is adopted? What provinces have it in place, and what might that policy be?
Second is the issue of whether it should apply just to grape wines or to all wines.
Third is whether you've seen any study on the impact in increased sales in wine-growing regions, whether we're talking about Nova Scotia or British Columbia—the Okanagan and southwestern B.C.—or any study on the impact on provincial liquor distribution branches. Has there been any study into potential loss or gain in revenue?