My point is that these are fairly sophisticated business people who have put their own skin in the game and invested their life savings, in many cases, in these wineries. They're represented by smart organizations that presumably know the interests of their members, and they are incredibly supportive of this legislation. I'm just saying they're fairly intelligent, and I suspect they're thinking ahead about these potential trade challenges as well.
I'd like to ask a question to Mr. Stutz. First of all, I want to tell the committee how absolutely proud we are of the growth in the Nova Scotia wine industry. Hanspeter Stutz has been a pioneer in the wine industry in Nova Scotia and has helped build it, and we're very proud of him. Do you see potential for e-commerce in terms of growth in demand and the capacity for you to advertise your wines, for you to ship your wines, for people in other provinces to consume your wines? Do you see a potential in e-commerce to grow your industry within Canada, and for other Canadian wine industries in other areas?
I'd appreciate hearing from the organizations of Ms. Ruddock or Mr. Paszkowski as well.