I want to make it clear, first and foremost, to assure the committee today, that we support the bill. What we've asked specifically to be added to the bill is that if this bill is amended, that it only be amended to allow for 100% Canadian-made wine. I recognize that may be a WTO challenge, but I've been assured—if you read the comments from the last hearing, and you were here—that in fact everybody is saying it won't be a challenge and we don't need to worry about it. Well, if we don't need to worry about it, why not add it to ensure that it happens?
That is our request. We do support the bill. We have over 600 members. We manage 15,000 acres of grapes and we do support the bill from that perspective. We're just raising that issue and saying we don't want to increase the competition of imported product. In Ontario today, as has been stated by the WCO, we have three-quarters of our marketplace that's owned by the importers. If we give up any more market share, we're not going to be successful in the province of Ontario.