Thank you. I think we're here today because we felt it was important to raise this issue. Obviously we're a Canadian-grown industry. What's important for us is that we continue to have that opportunity to grow in our own marketplace.
The reason I raised the concern, and I think it's a very valid question, is that we don't want to see someone in Ontario who thinks they can order their fine wines from Europe from an LCBO in Alberta, and starting to eat into our marketplace.
That is our concern. That's one of the reasons we raised it today. If there were a way in which this bill could have been crafted—obviously we're sitting in the House of Commons in Ottawa, in Canada—to include 100% Canadian-grown grapes, we would have liked to have seen that consideration.
Those are the things we felt we needed to raise for our future issues. It is important, and if we could have prevented that we would have liked to see that in the bill. We've raised it a number of times.