If we were to sell a $75-dollar-per-bottle case of ice wine in retail, we collect on that case $152.59 in taxes—both provincial and federal taxes. These transactions generate lots of revenue for both the federal and the provincial government.
I can't comment on the entire IILA. It's more than 80 years of age. Maybe most of it has been quite successful. I don't know. It is certainly my view that after more than 80 years, this specific portion of the IILA is out of step with Canada in 2012. You are able to arrange, at your counter, to ship a few cases of wine all the way back to Asia, perfectly legally, for visitors from Hong Kong or Japan. And then beside them is a fellow Canadian who says, “That's great. Could you help me ship a couple of cases back to Calgary?” and I say, “Sir, I can't do that for you. You're a Canadian and it's illegal”.