But that's significant—from $36 billion to $110 billion in less than 20 years. That's on page 4 of the report.
First of all, since we've been in power this government has cut debt so we have lower payments. I think you can agree with that. The second thing we did was the economic action plan, which is $45 billion, a huge amount of money, the most ever spent on infrastructure in the country, a stimulus shot in the arm. Third, I look at this budget as not so much an austerity budget as an efficiency and productivity budget. You mentioned on page 25 that the manufacturing sector is actually much more productive in Canada today than it was a few years ago. We're getting more output. I was also glad to hear that you believe the lowest possible tax rates produce the strongest economy.
But my interest is really in jobs. My difficulty is what you project in relation to job losses. I think the efficiency and productivity of the budget, specifically in some areas, would produce a much more efficient and robust economy. Is that fair to say?