Certainly with 46% of the population donating their time as volunteers to the 161,000 charities and non-profit organizations in the country, volunteers are a significant component of the labour force for organizations. Organizations rely on volunteers and any mechanism to maximize the contribution of volunteers would be very important to organizations.
We do a lot of work to build the capacity of organizations to be responsive to the trends in volunteering so that they can continue to access volunteers, based on what volunteers are looking for. As an example, the long-term picture of volunteering is the hospital auxiliary volunteer contributing a tremendous number of hours every Wednesday for 35 years. That type of volunteer is increasingly a volunteer of the past. Volunteers now want to contribute in a more episodic fashion. They want to contribute their skills, in many cases, to be leveraged effectively by an organization to contribute directly to its mission. So we support organizations to be able to respond to some of those trends.