The solution in part is some of those things. It would be important to have more transparency, so you have it across the board in the non-profit area, instead of making it.... It's not just IRFAN. With Ornge and other things, people are deliberately setting up structures.
In the case of Ornge, they spent $11 million on legal fees to set up structures that largely deal with lack of transparency. Have non-profits involved to have the transparency less in that case....
I would suggest to you to level the playing field a bit there. Have charities have a lot of transparency, as they do—maybe even more—but have non-profits have it too.
I would also suggest that charities that do foreign activities need to be more careful in how they're doing it. CRA has some good rules on direction and control for foreign activities.
IRFAN wasn't following those rules. I would suggest that there be more education in that area for charities, so they understand it.