I think the opposition parties may have some questions about it being an omnibus bill or something. I don't understand all of those issues. I can say that I think if it was just up or down on the charity transparency things, everyone would vote for the budget. I think there's more to it than that.
In 2011 there were some very good transparency pieces put forward by the government. There was the ineligible individuals idea. If someone abuses a charity, even if they're in another charity and not abusing it, they could be asked to leave that charity. I think that's important, because there are some people—maybe none in this room—who control 10, 20, 50, 100 charities themselves. It doesn't help to get rid of five or 10 when they control 100. There are some issues like that where there are some concerns. Some good ideas were brought forward. I am hopeful that those will slowly be implemented and we will see some improvement in some of those things.
I want to emphasize that we're talking about a few hundred people doing this sort of abusive behaviour, and yet you have 15 million or so volunteers with charities. We're just talking about 500 people doing this bad stuff.