Division 11 sets out legislative amendments to strengthen oversight of the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and to ensure that its commercial activities are managed in a manner that promotes the stability of the financial system. The proposed changes are part of the government's efforts to strengthen the housing finance system. The proposed legislative amendments include additional objectives for CMHC to ensure that its commercial activities promote and contribute to the stability of the system, including the housing market; legislative and regulatory authorities for the Minister of Finance in respect of CMHC's securitization programs and any new commercial programs; authorities for the Superintendent of Financial Institutions to review and monitor the safety and soundness of CMHC's commercial activities and report to the CMHC board of directors and the Ministers of Finance and Human Resources and Skills Development; and the addition of the deputy minister of the responsible department, Human Resources and Skills Development, and the Deputy and Minister of Finance to CMHC's board of directors as ex-officio members.
Division 11 also includes a legislative framework for covered bonds. Covered bonds are debt instruments that are secured by a pool of high-quality assets, such as residential mortgages. Until now, Canadian banks have issued about $60 billion in covered bonds under contractual, non-legislative framework. The legislative framework was announced in budget 2010 in order that covered bonds could better support financial stability by making the market for those bonds more robust and helping lenders access new sources of funding.
The framework will be administered by CMHC and will be open to federal and provincially regulated mortgage lenders. The key elements of the legislative framework include allowing covered bonds to be registered by CMHC; providing investors in these registered covered bonds greater certainty about their claim on the covered bond collateral; prohibiting the use of government-backed insured mortgages from being part of the covered bond collateral pool; and requiring that federal financial institutions only issue covered bonds under this legislative framework.
Since the budget announcement of this framework, stakeholders both in Canada and internationally have been supportive of the announcement.