I referred earlier to being part of the United Way. In the United Way, we would give a donation to a sector here and there and to particular organizations. Every so often, once in a while, the money we gave to an organization that had made the application and requested things went in a different direction. And maybe they just changed strategic direction in the meantime, but it took us some time to catch up to the fact that they had done that. So that's what prompted me to look at it in this fashion.
Most regulation, I believe, that the CRA implements and deals with and follows through with on behalf of the Canadian taxpayer we would call strict. How much leeway do you have in a situation? As this is unfolding, from the standpoint of strictness, it sounds to me like there's not going to be what we would refer to as leeway. You're going to have a black and white regulation, and it's going to be consistently adhered to.