Job creation is not humorous as far as I'm concerned. What we're doing here is a very serious matter.
So, Mr. Jackson, I'm a little taken aback would like you to clarify something for me, please. You are calling for an increase in taxes on business. Business, you must concede, does not really pay taxes. That's simply a cost that's passed on by it. Do you not think that business— which is in the business of employing people—would know better about how to employ productive resources, i.e., labour, than a trade union would?
I understand the role of trade unions in our society and it's a very important role, don't get me wrong. But what I am saying is that business is in the business of hiring people. They want to hire people. So if they say that lower taxes helps them to hire people, why do you think that raising taxes would be better? I don't quite understand that. Could you please clarify that for me?