Well, no. Because you've spent so much time talking about the EI stuff, I thought you'd looked at the other stuff. This is a really big book, and there are only two sections that have been talked about. The whole section on EI hasn't been talked about, but it surprises me that you aren't aware of that very important issue.
Nevertheless, I'm going to turn to Mr. Smith, because I come from the city of Winnipeg, where the Chief Peguis Trail was a tremendously successful project that was run through PPP Canada. For the benefit of my colleagues, I want to read a couple of quotes from some city officials with regard to this project, because the project was on budget and finished a year early.
Here's what city councillor Jeff Browaty said:It's quite miraculous...I think it's a lot to do with the innovation of it being a (P3 Canada fund project).
Here's what Mayor Sam Katz had to say: It's a pretty phenomenal performance. I think that just goes to show how in certain situations, a P3 is the ideal approach to take on projects...we're very happy with the result.
Having said that, I note that there are some changes in this budget that are about to come about. I want you to explain for us, Mr. Smith, how the amendment in today's act will actually better allow P3 Canada to interact with federal departments to provide expertise on public-private partnerships, if you wouldn't mind.