It gives me an opportunity to observe one thing. The first is that the Investment Canada Act is still in force, and it has application in these kinds of moves. A lot has been made out of the spectre of these foreign companies coming in. The second is the 10% thing. I think it's a cautious, wise, incremental approach. I don't object to lifting the barriers because I think it would be irrelevant. They have no trouble getting capital. They're giving capital away in dividends. I don't think it's that meaningful a move. When I talk about more needing to be done, I'm talking about the fact that there's a massive spectrum imbalance, and that is at the heart of what is going to be a competition issue in this country for a long time unless the government steps up and does something meaningful.
Candidly, and I've been very on the record with this, I don't think the measures taken in the recent policy, which Mr. Bibic is complaining about, go nearly far enough. The government set aside effectively 75% of it for the companies that have all the spectrum that we've been talking about today and 25% for everyone else. It boggles my mind.
Thank you.