Unquestionably. I can talk about tower sharing until 7:30 if people want me to, but what I'll say is that removing the restrictions as proposed isn't going to solve the tower-sharing issue. The truth is, capital is required. How you deploy that capital is a luxury to figure out once you have it, and you can't get it on reasonable terms under the existing rules. That's really what we're trying to resolve.
I said this wasn't a magic bullet, and it's not. Whether you are backed by Canadian money or American money, your decisions on where you deploy and where you see you can make a return on your investment are identical. So frankly, the only connection here is a net positive one—you have more capital in the country and people are going to find a way to get a return on that capital. Rural isn't as quick a return as an urban centre, so that's where people are going to focus initially. But people are making rational economic decisions, and it doesn't matter where the capital behind those decisions comes from.